Significance Of Dental Care For Your Family
Well, taking proper care of your oral hygiene is as important as the rest of your body. And, your dental health is an important part of your overall general health & ongoing quality of life. Therefore, family dental care is essential to your family health plan.
Why do You Need Dental Care for Your Entire Family?
Each person wants to keep a nice smile as long as possible. However, like your other health needs, your dental care needs change throughout the different seasons of life. And, it’s important to attend to the dental needs of your entire family. Following are the different age groups who need dental care with reasons:
1. Babies and Toddlers
Firstly, tooth decay is a big problem for babies as they get their first set of teeth. And, teething infants are prone to cavities & need dental care. Therefore, it’s recommended to schedule their first dental appointment by their 1st birthday as well as to have regular checkups every 6 months.
2. Children
Secondly for your child’s first adult teeth will begin to come in between the ages of 6 and 12. And, it’s usually an uphill battle to get kids at this age to practice good dental hygiene habits. This is the reason you need regular checkups & cleanings are essential.3. Tweens and teenagers
Moreover, it’s during the preteen & teenage years that most kids who need braces will get them. So, with or without braces, however, regular checkups & cleanings are essential to maintain the best oral health and prevent cavities. Also, the better your children and teenagers take care of their teeth, the longer they’ll last & the fewer problems they should have later on.
4. Adults
The next age group is adults, you’re busy working & taking care of your family. Thus, it can be easy to let your checkups slip by, but routine examinations are essential. Also, it’s important to keep your teeth & gums healthy as well as to prevent gingivitis & periodontal disease so you don’t lose bone density. Well, when you get older, other serious health conditions may manifest first in the mouth as well. And, these conditions include diabetes, heart disease, infections, & other conditions. So, your teeth may also start to loosen. Plus, it’s best to catch anything as early as possible.
5. Seniors
Further, approximately ¼ of seniors 60 & above don’t have any natural teeth. Well, seniors need to preserve their teeth as long as possible and fight gingivitis and periodontal disease. And, your risk for gum disease increases as you age.
Benefits of Having a Family Dentist
1. Familiarity
Well, children, in general, fear going to the dentist. Though, when your dentist is able to build a relationship with them, they become more & more comfortable as their trust builds. And, the dentist also will become familiar with your family’s dental history which allows for early detection as well as preventive maintenance.
2. Convenience
Secondly, you won’t have to search for a dentist every time you need a cleaning or have an issue. And, you can schedule an appointment easily & coordinate your family’s schedules. Also, many dentists send out text & email reminders of upcoming appointments.
3. Reliability
Moreover, you know you’ll receive the same level of quality service every time you visit the dentist. As your dentist knows your family & your individual dental histories, he or she will be much more reliable in the case of an emergency than a random general dentist. And, they treat your mouth & teeth comprehensively as well as will keep records of everything, thus they’ll know better than anyone what to do in every situation.
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